Feedback for neverland

Fashion Designer Istanbul

Ведет себя неэтично и недостоен называться фотографом! Зовет под предлогом фотографироваться, а на уме другое!

Venera Fotomodel'
Model Moscow
  • "Друг" мой - устал я тебе писать на английском языке - Ты в России и на русскоязычном ресурсе, прояви уважение пиши на русском!!! Благо сейчас есть он-лайн переводчики... - Это к ответу, что тебе удобно писать на английском, мне тоже удобно писать по-русски... Так что продолжим... В ответ могу тебе сказать следующее - есть два мнения, мнение Венеры и твое. Судя по диалогу и отзыву - Венера, сказала суть своего недовольства встречи с тобой, опустив детали, которые она тоже может написать, тем самым разъяснив твои повторяющиеся высказывания про 5000-600 и т.д., но будучи девушкой она поступила галантно и не стала вдаваться в подробности. Ты же увидев о себе отзыв, на придумывал целый блокбастер. По твоему плачевному комментарию, у меня возникает ряд вопросов: Если ты пишешь, что она просила тебя купить новую одежду и обувь... Так? Вопрос - Почему? Она, что пришла туда голой? Или она на столько бедствует? Почему не взять с тебя деньгами? Почему тогда она сбежала от Вас с "продюсером", если так хотела получить новую одежду и обувь, вдобавок написав отзыв о тебе? Если она девушка легкого поведения, под что ты так пытаешься ее подвести своим комментарием, почему бы просто не отработать - получить деньги и все? Второй момент - человек попросил денег на такси... Так? 600 рублей? Ты дал 5000руб - показав на сколько ты "крут" - зачем тогда после ты ноешь, что дал 5000 рублей??? Дал бы 600... Забегая вперед могу сказать, что ты попросту пытаешься сейчас выгородиться !!! И ведешь себя не, как мужчина!!! Вы же в Турции все "мачо"??? Так ты либо оставайся мужчиной до конца, либо тихо мирно удались с этого ресурса и больше так не делай в будущем!!!! А рассказывать сказки мы тоже умеем ...

  • apparently you're not realize what was going on that night because drunk and did not give a report of their actions .

    I'm the only and you did not drink alcohol. my skirt you wine and poured himself offered to buy me a new one.

    and why, constantly remind about 5000 ? all this for a gentleman to put the girl on a taxi and allow her to get home !

    Do not sleep with you, and that's what you get mad , ppidumyvaesh .

  • Комментарий удален

  • Dear Eugene,

    Firstly they are not registered on this site, they are friends from normal life. If you insist so much on this funny situation, later i will talk with them and then give your phone number to them to talk with you. This place is not a court. No one has right to judge any other one.

    I am not judging too, i am just telling the night we had. But Venera is judging and so do you.

    And again and again...


  • If three different people can confirm this - let write here...

  • Dear Eugene,

    The person you got relations with, i have no problems with her. I even told every truth that happened that night, and even 3 different person can tastify everything.

    She wrote bad comments to my profile, and i wrote the details, cause im always honest. She acted like my girlfriend, sad many things, even kissed many times. She asked for new clothes, shoes, swimwear etc. She even flirted with my producer friend who had company that night. She did not even tried to give the money i lended to her (5000-600 Rubles).

    I do not care what she does in her future life, or how she lives. She commented on my character falsely, i am trying to correct that... But seems many are already involved who had no business with me.


  • I can judge You by Your words!!! You gallantly without details to explain, but you decide to sling mud person with whom I am personally acquainted!!!

  • You talk about respect ? Being on the Russian-language resources prefer to write in English ? And in Tula with his samovar you going???

  • Dear Eugene,

    You can not write anything judging me, without knowing me... I can not say anything good or bad about your character, cause i do not know you. This is insult!. You and people like you have to learn what is being kind, respect and manners.

    And one more thing, i have never seen any obligation to write in Russian. I prefer English, if you do not want to read, please do not.

    In every comment you write, you make your self pitty and funny.

    You have beautiful photography sessions as i can see, i liked them. It would be much better to go on taking photographs, not making funny comments on my character and what i do.


  • If you're here for a long time - why not write in Russian?????

  • I wonder where I insulted you? I wrote what I think based on your comment and based on your profile...

  • Dear Eugene,

    I do not know you in person, so i don't have the right to judge you. So do you, and no one can judge me without knowing me. I am here for a long time, i have never insulted anyone... I met many friends here, and never had any relationship with any of them. You do not know my life, what i do, how i live. You have no right to talk about me or my job or my hobby.

    This is being a man, being a gentleman that you have to know someone before judging him.

    Despite of all you said, i will remain calm and do not reply to you such in your manners. I hope you will stop offending and insulting me which proves you are a man of just words, not actions and poor character.

    My best regards,

  • Уважаемая администрация сайта - хотелось бы выяснить принадлежность данного человека к фотографии и частности к данному ресурсу, дата последнего размещения им фото 2013 год, тематика его фотографий далека от направлений сайта. Во-вторых, оскорблять и поливать грязью моделей, тем более тех, кто действительно стремится к этому, считаю неуместным, как с точки зрения мужчины, так и с точки зрения человека искусства. А искать девочек для отдыха и развлечений можно и на других специализированных ресурсах, без маскирования под фотографа!!!

  • Judging by your photos you are not a photographer. Upload date recent photo 2013. That is the year you have not posted not the one shooting. What gives me the right to believe the Venera Raimova - the man with whom I worked, the person who wants to become a model. Not if You sit on a professional website and search here girls for fun!!! I think it's easier for You to depart hence rather than throw mud of our models! I think the site administration will not be in the party!!!

  • Комментарий удален

  • Dear Venera,

    Before meeting with you, we agreed on the terms of hangout. We met you with my producer friend, and took you to best places, you ate, drank and even smoked. At night, our 2 other girl friends came to accompany us, and the ladies also agree that you behaved like my girlfriend; which i insisted that you are just a friend. At the end of the night, we agreed to meet sunday, which we will have session in the hotel's swimming pool and spa. I gave you 5000 Rubles, which you asked for 600 Rubles for taxi. You even asked from me for new clothes and shoes to buy you. Sunday when i texted you to invite for session, you said you are not a girl to entertain me. Sorry but, your irregular behaviour, lack of confidence and lieing to me and my friends will never make you earn a respectful future.

    My Best Regards,
