jonny bezimya
Фотограф Киев

UK talent scout

Casting in central Kyiv on 7/8/9 November.

A great chance to work on British and international projects.

We have clients and contacts in fashion, tv, film, music video production and more.

The casting will take only 45 minutes. No experience necessary.

Interview and test shots in genre fashion, lingerie and nude. No media will ever be published - we guarantee with contract.

Also we will pay a small amount to cover your expenses and time.

Usual fee is 500 hryvnya but this is negotiable in some circumstances.

Оплата 500 UAH
Вакансія для Модель
Тип роботи Інша модельна робота
Де , Україна
Коли Д. м. у ч:і: з - Д. м. у ч:і: з
Чернетка дуже давно


Підлога Жіночий
Вік від 18 до 30 років

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