Kristina Astaf'eva

Білорусія | Минск
Мої позначки
  • Зріст
    173 см
  • Вага
    59 кг
  • Вік
  • Груди
    87 см
  • Талія
    69 см
  • Стегна
    69 см
  • Розмір одягу
    XS [EUR 0]
  • Розмір взуття
    US women 0 [EUR 12]
  • Волос
    Довгі, Блондин
  • Око
  • Тип зовнішності
Welcome to the Official page Christine i! I am a fitness, glamour, and swimsuit model. I have been featured on many internet sites and I have also been published. A little about me: I am not your typical girl. I hate shopping, I don't need to be surrounded by friends all of the time, and I can't stand drama. I don't own a hundred pair of shoes and I could care less about handbags. The only person I compete with is myself. I love to train hard and lift heavy at the gym. I love football and baseball. You will never find me in the clubs or bars. I stopped clubbing after Sound Factory in Minsk shut down. I don't need to be out in the "VIP scene" to feel like I am cool-LOL! I prefer to relax, watch tv, and go to restaurants. I love to travel. I pick a few different places to go every year. Last year, I was fortunate enough to see Niagara Falls and the desert in Palm Springs-two of the most breathtaking places I have ever seen in my life. Modeling is a hobby for me, it is not my life. I don't confuse "fantasy with reality." I laugh at the people who think they have all these "haters" and that they are "so famous" and everyone is "jealous" of them. This is only, people. It isn't the real world. I am educated. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in psychology. I am extremely independent. I don't need or expect people to buy things for me. I have worked hard for everything I have. I don't care what you can do for me, I care what you do for others and how you treat people. I hate liars. "Come real or not at all." I can't stand negative people, they are like poison. There is always someone far worse off than you are, so be grateful for what you have. People should spend more time improving themselves instead of trying to point out everyone else's "flaws." Real friends will be genuinely happy when you succeed, they won't be secretly waiting for you to fall. I can count the amount of people who I consider to be "real" friends on one hand. I am very close with my family. I love to motivate and inspire others to achieve their goals and to live healthier lifestyles. Dare to dream and do not let anyone try to discourage you. Always believe in yourself and continue to persevere.