Laurent BENSON picture

Laurent BENSON

Франція | Париж
Мої позначки
Обробка фотографій(ретуш) Графічний дизайн Пост-продакшен
Студійна зйомка Модельні тести Репортажна зйомка Весілля Предметна зйомка
I am born in Paris, France and was very early attracted by the image and visual creation, after attending film courses at New York University - Tish School of the Arts -
As a professionnal photographer for more than 10 years, my work is most often done indoor (studio - green screen) and I post-prod work on my compositionq as if it was paintings
Professionnal photographer from Paris, I mostly work on my own creations in my Brussels studio but I am also available for international hire, provided that it is a part of my clients budget. I can deliver quality and inovative work in almost any genre. My specialties are fanstasy, fashion, beauty, commercial, product and lifestyle.
I come to Kiev from time to time and I am constantly developing my portfolio as well as my knowledge, in photography. With a ton of ideas in mind, all the time, I am always looking for stunning models to work with (after tests) so if and only if you think we could create something amazing together or if you'd like to become a character in a surreal creation, do not hesitate to contact me.

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