Sergej Mikul'skij

Federación Rusa | Moscow
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Activities. Working in film and show business! More than 40 years in cinema. Since 1970 - as a stuntman, since 1980 - as an artist. Key films: "And on the stone trees", "Boris Godunov", "Mio My Mio", "Quentin Durward," "A Man from Boulevard des Capucines," "Richard the Lionheart," "The Witches Cave", "Crusader," " romance, "" The Master and Margarita "," Yuri Dolgoruky, "" Night Watch, Day Watch, "in 1612. Time of Troubles," "Schism," "The Best Movie 3" ... etc. In total more than 30 paintings, scenes do not think ... Author of many Russian prizes, such as the "Nika", "Azure Star," "Silver nail", "George" ... etc. Advertisement: "Imperial Bank", "Three heroes, more than 20 movies ... Videos: "Aria", "Disco Crash", "Malikov, I will drink to the bottom", "Mirage", etc. Holidays: Day of the City, "1000 years the city of Vladimir, 850 years old city of Moscow. The biggest collection of weapons and armor in the world. At the same time you can put 80 soldiers. A pioneer and founder of the movement "Amazon." The only collection in the world of fantasy of the "Titan." More than 50 unique kostyumov.Vsevozmozhnye beauty pageants, festivals, etc. Touring show-program "Amazon" - Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, France, Lithuania, Ukraine, Estonia, Greece, etc. Currently working on a cinema project "Viking" and prepare a show program on tour in Greece.
Гармония и синтез в искусстве.

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